Know how to talk about your business in a way that stands out – with a messaging strategy you can actually use

MESSAGING solution

apply now

Suddenly you know what to say and how to say it – on any platform, in any context.

You don’t get tired of repeating yourself – and your audience won’t get tired of hearing it.

You can outsource your marketing confidently – because you have a formula for success.

You need more than A FEW COPY ASSETS

With the right messaging strategy, marketing becomes a whole lot easier – and more fun

Because right now, your brand’s message isn’t resonating – with you or with your audience.

You want to tap into language that’s intoxicating, but you’re at a loss for words.

You need a whole new way of talking about your business

One that helps you identify your secret ingredient and show your audience why you’re the expert they've been looking for.

It's time for a new perspective on your brand

this calls for a refresher

Generate more revenue* with messaging that establishes your brand as the authority and go-to in your space.

Establish a stronger emotional connection with your audience, who in turn will become loyal fans who sing your praises to their peers.

Have consistent and potent language you can use across all your marketing channels, so you're never at a loss for words.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could...

yes please

* According to Forbes, brands with strong messaging generate an average of 23% more revenue.


Your brand’s spirit, distilled into a money-making messaging formula

We’ll dive deep into your values, audience, and offers to come up with utterly compelling language you can use again and again. 

You’ll get all the core elements of a brand story and messaging strategy — like your unique value proposition, elevator pitch, one-liners, and more.

You’ll have go-to copy to describe your audience’s pain points and desires, address their objections and misconceptions, and highlighting the parts of your perspective, process, or results that will ultimately drive sales.

And it’ll all be put together in one easy-to-use, grows-with-your-business guide.

This isn’t a pretty brand voice PDF you have no idea what to do with. It’s a no-frills-but-super-practical guide you’ll refer back to daily—whether you’re writing an Instagram caption, emailing your list, or updating your website.

Our work together includes:


Including a thought-provoking brand questionnaire (aka the brain dump) and 90-minute video jam session (side tangents encouraged) during which I’ll get to know you almost as well as you know yourself. Past clients have called me “spooky good.”


I’ll put my journalism degree to work and interview up to 7 of your favorite current or past clients to craft fresh messaging that resonates with your ideal audience. You’ll feel warm and fuzzy when you hear the nice things people have to say.


We’ll research both your current and aspirational competitors to see where your brand fits within your market – and, more importantly, how it stands out. (‘Cause no one does it like you.)


A no-frills, easy-to-use messaging guide with your brand’s core language and go-to copy assets. You’ll find yourself reaching for it every time you need to write copy.


New messaging calls for a website refresh. You have the option to bundle this service with our Website Copy Tonic service and save $1000.

post-project support

You’ve got the guide – now what? To help you put your strategy to use, you’ll receive a complimentary 60-day pass to my copy consulting membership, the Draft House, where you can pick my brain and get feedback on the copy assets you create using your guide.

“I was on an incredible upward trajectory professionally, and my website wasn't reflecting the energy of that. It was clear I needed to start with new wording, and let that guide a complete renovation of my brand identity.

Cassie came into my life and with laser precision captured every facet of my work in a way that astonished even me.

I knew it would be difficult to surrender to the process and put my trust in a branding copywriter. But from that first moment I received her copy, my entire being relaxed and I vowed to trust her vision. From there, it seemed effortless.

Let her have the space and the freedom she needs and she will come back to you with creative gold.”

— Kristy Sweetland, transformational coach for highly sensitive people

I felt overwhelmed wondering how a person like me—who navigates with big vision—could dial it down to concisely describe transformational work. I was too close to it. 

This copywriting client had messaging breakthroughs

What’s inside your messaging strategy doc?

  • Your brand story - language to talk about your audience’s journey
  • Your unique value proposition - what sets your brand apart from other players in your space
  • Your elevator pitch and bio - perfect for networking, podcast intros, media spotlights, and more
  • Your one-liners - succinct copy bits you can use in your website copy, IG bio, and more
  • Your content pillars - what to talk about in your marketing
  • Other go-to language - including an on-brand word bank, calls-to-action, and more

Plus, you’ll receive my Offer Messaging & Marketing Formula so you can develop messaging around each of your services and products every time you add to your offer suite.

Your messaging Solution guide is a no-frills-but-easy-to-actually-use doc that includes:

Investment & pairing options

Messaging guide only


Paired with Website Copy Tonic



Save $1000 when you book both.

Flexible payment plans available

ideal for small business owners
and entrepreneurs who:

  • Have a vision (even if it's not yet 20/20)
  • Have a track record of success — both in selling their offers and delivering results (and want more)
  • Value voice of customer insights (and are willing to ask past clients for their feedback)
  • Are ready to show up more boldly, confidently, and consistently (online and everywhere they market their business)

I’m Cassie Paton, and I believe you should control the narrative of your brand’s story.

Because how you’re perceived by your audience impacts everything from how you show up in your marketing, to the quality of clients you attract, to the pace at which your revenue grows. (Not to mention the joy you derive from your business. Can we have some damn fun, please?)

When we work together, you’ll get a fresh perspective on your brand. Using my TONIC© framework, we’ll tap into your true differentiators and craft a narrative your audience will actually care about. Best of all, you’ll have go-to language you can use again and again, wherever you market your business.

Let's uncover your brand's secret ingredient


Here’s how it works:


Share a few details about your business and goals and book a discovery call. We’ll meet briefly to talk details and see if we’re a match.


Cheers – I knew we’d make a great pair. My team will set up your Project Dashboard, we’ll firm up client interview logistics, and you’ll complete your brand questionnaire.


First, I’ll conduct Voice of Customer interviews with your favorite people. Then, we’ll have our jam session. Finally, I’ll go into my copy cave while you sit back with your tonic of choice and await the refreshingly bold messaging to come.

apply to work together

— Robin Davisson, artist and proprietor of StudioLab RD

“Having written most of my own copy before, I felt like I was telling my story pretty well. But boy… have my eyes been opened to the difference between good copy and truly great copy after working with Cassie.

What’s most amazing to me is how Cassie, in addition to capturing my projects with mesmerizing words and cadence, asked all the right probing questions and helped me clarify my thinking around my projects.

With surgical precision, she drilled down to the most important elements and helped me see areas that needed to be further developed. Her work goes well beyond the words!

Cassie will elevate your project in ways you hadn’t anticipated. When you factor in the value that gets amplified as a result of her intellectual prowess and unusual way with words, it’s a no-brainer to work with her!”

client testimonial

The first step is to apply and have a quick chat to make sure it's a fit. 

If there's chemistry (and I have a feeling there will be), we'll reserve a spot just for you.

Get in touch today to schedule your call.

Get your money-making messaging formula


Discover the key ingredients of a potent messaging strategy so you can stand out from the sea of same-old online.

In this private podcast, you'll learn how to identify your brand's unique factors so you can confidently own any stage or platform.

Uncover your brand's secret ingredient